+HEADER CORREL GSI DATABASE 18JUL29XK SESSNAME Q18210 OBSTIME 2018/07/29 UTSTART 0730 DURATION 1 DOY 210 CORRTIME 2018/07/30 CORRPASS 1 EXPORT DONE +SUMMARY Qcode % of Total % of Correlated scans scans 5-9 91.7 % - 0 4.2 % - 4-1,D,G,N 4.2 % - Removed - +CORRELATOR_NOTES Scan 210-0742: FQ = 0 on S-band, source 2000+472 Scan 210-0811: FQ = 0 on S-band, source 2000+472 There were good integration time but low SNR. We uploaded the vgosDB to the following ftp site. ftp://ftp.spacegeodesy.go.jp/vlbi/data/db/18JUL29XK.tar.gz +STATION_NOTES SESHAN25(C-Sh): Lower fringe amplitude in XR6U leading to two G codes. WETTZELL(V-Wz): OK. Transfer rate: 440 Mbit/s (Tsunami UDP protocol) +MANUAL_PCAL Sh +CHANNELS XR1U = band|polarization|channel#|sideband XR1U/L BBC01 8212.99 XR2U BBC02 8252.99 XR3U BBC03 8352.99 XR4U BBC04 8512.99 XR5U BBC05 8732.99 XR6U BBC06 8852.99 XR7U BBC07 8912.99 XR8U/L BBC08 8932.99 SR1U BBC09 2225.99 SR2U BBC10 2245.99 SR3U BBC11 2265.99 SR4U BBC12 2295.99 SR5U BBC13 2345.99 SR6U BBC14 2365.99 +DROP_CHANNELS Sh Wz +CLOCKS Clocks: GSI Station fmout-gps used rate Comments [usec] [usec] [sec/sec] Sh 113.62 123.60 0.00 reference Wz -3.80 -1.22 0.00 Date: 2018/07/29 +QCODES Qcodes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D G N - Tot ---------------------------------------- CV:X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 16 0 2 0 0 24 CV:S 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 21 0 0 0 0 24 ---------------------------------------- Totals 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 37 0 2 0 0 48 Legend: QC = 0 : Fringes not detected. = 1-9 : Fringes detected. no error condition. Higher #, better quality. = D : No data in one or more frequency channels. = G : Fringe amp in a channel is <.5 times mean amp (only if SNR>20). = N : No valid correlator data. = - : Not scanned. = Tot : Total number of scans in schedule. +SNR_RATIOS MEAN RATIOS = Observed SNR / Predicted SNR for exp no. 1715 bl X n S n CV 0.76 24 0.83 22 +PCAL_INFORMATION * SESHAN25 manual phase call settings: if station C if f_group X pc_mode manual pc_phases XR1U-XR4U -118.4 -54.1 -82.1 -114.3 XR5U-XR8U -108.0 -61.9 -163.5 -79.7 if f_group S pc_mode manual pc_phases SR1U-SR6U 57.9 -33.1 49.8 88.6 66.7 -2.3 * +END -------------------------------- Tetsuya, HARA Geospatial Information Authority of Japan / AES Co.,Ltd. hara-t96xs@mlit.go.jp